Label weighing scale

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Label weighing scale integration

A Label weighing scale generates a barcode based on the configuration of Prefix, Product SKU length, Quantity integer part length & Quantity fractional part length.

Enabling & setting it

To enable weighing scale integration in UltimatePOS, do the below settings:

  1. Go to Settings -> Business Settings -> POS -> Check Enable Weighing scale and save it.
  2. Below it provides the setting for the weighing scale.
    1. Prefix
    2. Product SKU length
    3. Quantity integer part length
    4. Quantity fractional part length
      And save it.
  3. Go to the POS screen, click on the weighing scale button present next to the product SKU search field, on clicking, it will open a modal where you can scan/enter the barcode generated by the weighing scale. On the Successful match of settings and barcodes, the product will be added as per the specified quantity in the barcode.
  4. You can add a shortcut key for weighing scale by going to Settings -> Business Settings -> POS



Suppose if you give the below values in weighing scale settings

Prefix: 25
Product SKU length: 4
Quantity integer part length: 2
Quantity fractional part length: 2
If barcode read from the scale will be:  25 1234  35 50   (without spaces)
It will read the product with SKU 1234 & add quantity 35.50
The price will be automatically calculated by multiplying quantity & unit price.
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