Sales Subscriptions

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Enabling Subscriptions:

To enable subscription, go to Modules -> Check the “Enable Subscriptions” and save it.

Using Subscriptions:

  1. Subscriptions can be added from both POS sales or normal Sales screen.
  2. In POS or sales screen to add subscriptions click on “Subscribe?” Checkbox
  3. On clicking subscribe it shows a popup modal, enter the subscription frequency like every 1 day or every 5 days or every 1 month, etc. Also enter the subscription frequency, like if a user wants so subscribe only 5 times the enter 5, for an unlimited leave it blanks.
  4. All subscriptions appear in the Sell -> Subscriptions screen. From here you can also start/stop a subscription.
  5. When a subscription invoice is auto-generated then a notification is sent to admin & salesperson.
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 KEYROX is a leading Algerian Company in Information and Technology. Our mission is to offers comprehensive, end-to-end IT solutions and services, as well as, to bring inspiration and innovation to every business in the world.
